Wednesday, March 23, 2011

School closed.

This doesn't happen very often at a post-secondary level.  I work at a technical college here in town and usually on Wednesdays I start my day at 10:30 a.m.  Imagine my surprise when I woke up to a voice message from a fellow co-worker telling me that school is closed!! So now I'm sitting here blogging.  What I really should be doing is laundry, dishes and some organizations, but hey.. the day is still young!

I've had this song on my mind all week.  Ever since I heard it on L's Pandora list.  You know those songs you hear.. at first your feel indifferent to them, but somehow when you are listening, actually listening to the song.. it resonates within you.  That's what happen to me with this song.  I've heard it plenty of times before, but last week when I was alone at work in L's office, this song came on while I was working and it just stuck with me. 
Has that every happen to anyone else?

And for all you Twilight fans out there, I realize now that it's the song that plays when Edward and Bella are at the prom at the end of the first movie, but I'm not a fan so it just took me a while to get there. :)

1 comment:

  1. hi pang! i am your partner!!! for the spring swap. i love love that song =) iron and wine is one of my favorite band. you might want to listen to their song ~ such great heights. i love that song =)
